Chip Off the Old Block!

Welcome, Shane Steven Cohen! Born April 7, 2012, adopted April 9.

Blogging will be light for the next 18 years…

12 comments on “Chip Off the Old Block!

  1. Jack Goodman says:

    Congratulations, a new life is in your arms and ahead of you.

  2. Hank Rodgers says:

    CONGRATS, JENDI! I know you’ve worked hard to make this day a reality. I am happy for you and Adam, and wish you and Shane Steven the best next 18 and more. Maybe you can raise him to be a poet?

  3. It is a wonderful photo and probably will come as a big surprise to many of your readers. As the father of five long gone from the nest, it is true that “blogging may be light for the next 18 years.” It’s also a wonderful name for the lad. Maybe a year from now I’d certainly hope to see on your blog your feelings and thoughts at that time on the subject of “choice” and abortion. I don’t think I have ever seen you address that subject but considering your theological trek, combined now with motherhood, your views might prove very interesting. No need to print this comment on the blog. Would not want to stir up either side on a subject rife with consternation for so many.

  4. Ysabel says:

    Congratulations! That is one fortunate little boy!

  5. Jendi Reiter says:

    Oh, we never shy away from controversy at Reiter’s Block! My personal feeling about abortion is that it is usually a tragedy, sometimes a sin, but should remain legal because (1) the impersonal legal system is too crude a tool to manage people’s intimate lives and (2) our society has nowhere near the support in place for many moms to choose life. I will probably blog more about this at some point.

    For now, let’s just say the adoption process has given me new appreciation for the birthmother’s ordeal. It is expensive, physically taxing, and very public to carry an unwanted baby to term, compared to a quick and private abortion. I felt violated by the homestudy process and I at least was getting a baby at the end, so I can only imagine how hard it would be to lose your privacy without even that reward.

    And then there’s the grief in giving him up, and on top of that, believe it or not, a lot of people ask “how could you be so selfish to give your baby up?” Hollywood also sensationalizes adoption by perpetuating stereotypes of crazy birthmothers who try to take the baby back. It takes a very special person to endure all that. We love Shane’s birthparents and consider ourselves lucky to have them in our lives.

    In my opinion, churches and pro-life groups should spend much less time “fighting abortion” and more time reforming America’s adoption industry and reshaping public perceptions of birthmothers. Hey, you asked…

  6. Andy Winternitz says:


    This is your best blog post yet!

  7. MadPriest says:

    “Blogging will be light for the next 18 years.”

    What do you mean? You’ve got an assistant now. I shall expect Shane’s first post under his own byline within the next 6 months.

    Congratulations to all three of you!

  8. Vicky Gouldthorp says:

    Congratulations! A blessing for all involved.

  9. Congrats Jendi ! Go Girl ! Life was meant to be blessed with life, and now you have him. From one who knows, enjoy the beautiful moments, and forget the hard work and grime that parenting brings. All these things are worth it !

  10. Mary Lou McKillip says:

    Jendi and Adam we are so happy you have this bundle of love. God I know has answered your prayers. He is one lucky little guy.

  11. Parenting says:

    being a mother is the best thing that happened to me now. I love my child and I love seeing him growing.

  12. Jendi, I was so moved by the announcement on Winning Writers about your new baby son. Congratulations to you and your husband–and to beautiful little Shane Steven on his new “forever family.” Blessings to all of you.

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